
Wednesday, February 26, 2014



I don't know how to make a fire without matches.
I don't know if I can make a fire with matches. 
I don't know how to collect water from dew.
I can't even grow pumpkins successfully. 
Right now cooking pumpkin is a challenge. 
I do know that vinegar and baking soda saves the pot.

Strange news.

The house has been over run with ants for a while - since Christmas I think.  First little black sugar ants are. They came earlier than Christmas, but they didn't make too much noise.

I put sugar on the windowsill. Then I found out a big lump in a new packet of sugar and left it on the windowsill.  The little black ants did their best, but the lump is still there. .

Then millions of red ants arrived. They took over the black ants' sugar lump and just about anything else if I didn't remember to put it away in a sealed container. About ten black ants ventured into the spice cupboard.  I left them alone.  No harm.

Last night I burned my vegetables as usual.  I put the remains on a plate and thought I could still eat that.  Not too tasty.  I forgot to remove the plate from the counter.

Would you believe that there were no ants feasting on the remains this morning?  Okay.  It was not too tasty. 

I left the sugar bowl on the counter too.  No ants. 

The lump of sugar on the windowsill has not one ant on it.  The ants have departed. 

Why did they come? Why did they leave?

On the global front.

The leaders in Peru, Egypt and the Ukraine resigned and disappeared over night.

Just a thought.

Do we have enough plumbers?

Love and Light, my lovelies.